Good Times in Sedona, AZ
All I wanted was some good wine, polite company for a short time, and to get back to my Sherlock Holmes book, and my punishment for my efforts was that I go to spend two hours in the company of New-Age nutcases (In case you're not familiar with Sedona, it is supposed to have multiple "spiritual vortexes" in the rocks…I'm not sure what a spiritual vortex is, but I do know that they attract a LOT of hippies and New-Age enthusiasts).
The scene unfolds: Three couples and one empty chair. They looked normal enough. They were all sitting in the prime seats by the fireplace, which is where I wanted to be, so that's who I joined. One nice normal couple that was there at first shortly left….left me to the wolves…er….New-Agers.
Here is a sample of the conversation for the next two hours (if you're asking why I didn't leave earlier, I literally couldn't get a word in edgewise, and being in the middle, was somewhat wedged in - I could've escaped, but it would've looked awkward):
· The nice lady to my right was working on adjusting her fourth chakra, which in case you were wondering (and for the folks in Rio Linda) is located four finger-widths below your belly-button. I didn't even ask how one goes about working on this. The reason she's working on it is that it is very "bound up" due to some recent litigation at work. (????)
· (Side note: much like your face can hurt from smiling too much, my face now seriously hurts from two hours spent trying to retain a perfectly straight, credulous face)
· The lady on the right had an "experience" at one of the spiritual "vortices" that are supposedly in the rocks here. She told me that her spirit tour guide had them lay down and meditate, and while doing so, she decided (I didn't ask why….) to leave her body. When she tried, she found that she couldn't (I was loath to tell her that I have this same experience every time I try to put on my "college-size" jeans)
· The lady to my left discussed all her various "readings" with different astrologers and the various crystal shops she was planning on visiting in the morning. She also taught me the importance of having copper near/on the crystals as it helps keep the good energy in (or something like that, honestly I wasn't taking notes)
· I also got to hear about the lady-on-the-left's various past lives, her monk who is her guardian angel, though she cannot discover to which order he belong(ed) (assuming he is no longer with us), and how she and her husband knew each other so well when they met because in a past life they were orphans who were raised together…Hmmmm…..
So all in all it was an entertaining experience all round. I don't think my companions meant it to be so, but it was indeed. Unfortunately two of them are leaving tomorrow, but I am confident their equally-loony replacements will prove no less entertaining.
Labels: Vacation