UNC here I come!!!
OK so I'm just a bit excited. I just found out today that I got an audition rotation at UNC-Chapel Hill, aka the Mecca of Emergency Medicine. !!!!!! Not only do they seem to be willing to let me on the property, which is awesome enough in and of itself, they are letting me do only 3 weeks instead of the normal 4, which is incredibly nice of them! So now I am not going to be visiting Gettysburg (at least this August), but I think I can handle that. I also have to reschedule my board exam (written) because I can't take a day off when I only have 3 weeks there. And now I have about, oh, three months less to finish my ER book - whoops! :-) Maybe they'll cut me some slack as it's my first ER rotation......riiiigghht..... :-)
So for my updated schedule for this year: (though this can and will change all the time!)
July: Infectious Diseases at the NIH in Bethesda, MD
July 24th - Noah goes to Philly to take the national physical exam test (fun!!)
August: 3 weeks of ER at UNC-Chapel Hill (Mecca)
August 21-Sept 16th: Radiology at Duke
Sept 19th-sometime in October: Possibly CCU at Duke (not confirmed)
Sometime in Oct-Sometime in Nov: ER at Maricopa (if my school didn't accidentally cancel it
along with my burn rotation, which is quite possible)
Mid-Nov to Mid-Dec: TBA (i.e. I have no idea)
Christmas "break": Noah will either be working somewhere or in Scotland, hopefully the latter
January: TBA
February: Cardiology at Eastern Carolinas in Greenville, NC (i.e. the place with the combined IM/ER residency)
March: TBA
May: Something easy as I just won't care anymore